Global Foodture

25 October 2022
04 October 2023

EEN and various food clusters all around the EU are joining forces and organizing a one year long B2B online event.

Global Foodture targets EU SMEs companies interested to partner with Japan, South Korea, Singapore or Thailand.

Monthly thematic workshops, and four dedicated online matchmaking events will be organized during the whole year duration of the project.

One on one meetings can be held any time all year long.

The project is designed to boost the sustainable transition of the food system worldwide through collaboration and innovation.

The event targets technology innovation and sustainability within the food industry, such as:

  • Agriculture - cultivation & support solutions
  • Alternative proteins
  • Sustainable packaging
  • Solutions to reduce food waste
  • Health products, functional and personalised food

Japanese organizations and companies interested to collaborate with partners in Europe are invited to register to the B2B platform.

Special B2B event with Japan on 4 October 2023.

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1 EUR = 170,870 JPY