A Japanese qualified manufacturer of forging parts for the aerospace sector is offering manufacturing services

Country of origin :
Date :
EEN profile reference :
Partnership type sought :
Manufacturing agreement
Outsourcing agreement
Sector/Main field of activity :
Aeronautics & Space
Type of Partnership :

A Japanese company providing high-quality forging parts for the aerospace sector seeks to go to the EU market by offering build-to-print based manufacturing contract. The company is currently supplying their forging parts which are used for an US made aircraft. The company has an Aerospace Quality Management System (AQSM) certification to supply their products to aerospace manufacturers in the EU, and is hoping to find long-term partners to establish a presence there.

Please see the company pdf description for more details.

Contact details :
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation / info-eu@een-japan.eu
Link to PDF detail :
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1 EUR = 161,688 JPY