21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition

02 June 2013
06 June 2013

The events will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark (Conference: 3-7 June 2013 - Exhibition: 3-6 June 2013)

The international science and technology conference of the 21st EU BC&E comprises more than 800 presentations, in plenary, oral and visual sessions. The technical programme is coordinated by the European Commission - Joint Research Centre

The event  attracts policy makers and industry leaders addressing special topics which are currently in the focus of discussion.

In addition to the Conference Programme, the  EU BC&E features  thematic highlights with strong industry relevance. These are “Conference-in-Conference” events that fully address current hot topics in the biomass sector.

For the latest news please visit: www.exhibition-biomass.com  and www.conference-biomass.com

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