Welcome to Barcelona - Mobile B2B Mission

22 February 2016
24 February 2016
Barcelona, Spain

In February 2016 alongside the GSMA Mobile World Congress, a 3-day B2B mission will be organised offering a unique opportunity for Japanese companies operating in the mobile sector to gain insights on the latest mobile communications trends from visionaries and innovators, as well as to meet the local government officials and the ICT industry leaders to explore on collaboration opportunities.

The mission will mainly consist of:

  • Visit to the Mobile World Congress 2016, an exhibition with more than 2,000 companies displaying the cutting-edge products and technologies that define the future of mobile.
  • Participation in the Brokerage Event organised by ACCIÓ within the MWC, a matchmaking event where participants can meet potential partners for product development, manufacturing and licensing agreements, joint ventures or other types of partnership.
  • Visit technological centres related to the selected sectors in order to show the most highlighted technologies, research projects and business opportunities.

Barcelona’s GSMA Mobile World Congress is the world’s leading event for the mobile industry, bringing together the telecommunication sector’s top companies and professionals. In 2016, it will be staged once again in Barcelona.

View the attached file for more information.

The mission is targeting Japanese companies only that can register by filling in the webform.

The deadline for registration is: (The application period is closed)

Minimum number of participants
The mission will be held if 5 companies at least will have registered by the time of the deadline

Incoming Mission
ACCIÓ / Supported by the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
Contact e-mail:
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation / info-eu@een-japan.eu
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