Welcome to Berlin - Smart City Mission

18 May 2015
20 May 2015
Berlin, Germany

In the framework of Metropolitan Solutions 2015 we would like to welcome a delegation of Japanese companies and research organisations active in the fields of “urban energy” and/or “urban transport”.

Berlin is not only the gateway to central and Eastern Europe as well as the economic regions of Western Europe, Berlin is also smart. The city is a lab for everything we aspire for the urban life in the 21st century: efficient infrastructure, informational networking, environmentally friendly mobility, creativity and the combination of high efficiency and high quality of life.

The major aim of this smart city mission is to introduce Japanese partners to Berlin-based organisations that work to find urban energy and urban transport solutions. By organising the exchange of ideas on how to solve nowadays smart city problems we hope to initiate and intensify bilateral cooperation between German and Japanese organisations. We will bring together potential partners for commercial, technological as well as R&D cooperation. Ultimately, this should lead to the launch of new international projects and smart city solutions.

View the attached file for more information.

To register, please fill in the webform. (The application period is closed)

Incoming Mission
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation / Berlin Partner
Contact e-mail:
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation / Yukiko Tanizawa / info-jp@een-japan.eu
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