Welcome to Nantes - Composites Materials and Robotics B2B Mission

03 November 2015
05 November 2015
Nantes, France

In November, alongside the Composites Meetings Fair, a leading trade fair in Region de Loire, a 3-day B2B mission will be organised offering a unique opportunity for Japanese companies operating in composite materials and robotics.

This mission combines two days at Composites Meetings, a professional business convention dedicated to composites materials this year featuring Japan as the country of honour, and one more day of specific exchanges, presentations and site visits of companies or technical centre in the region.

The first two days enable to participate to Composites Meetings with fully pre-organised B2B meetings between contractors and suppliers of solutions related to composites materials and processing. Participating suppliers will benefit from free stand and have the possibility to exhibit during the convention.

In parallel of the B2B meetings, some conferences will be organised with participation of industrials, highlighting a particular topic. One of the conference slots will be set aside for the Japanese delegation. The convention also includes the lunches on the venue, and invites the participants to a cocktail ceremony on the first day.

The third day seeks to give more room to presentations from the Japanese delegation, exchanges with the French companies and visits of innovative companies or world-class research infrastructures, in the field of advanced manufacturing (robotics, processes…) in Pays de la Loire ecosystem.

View the attached file for more information.

The mission is targeting Japanese companies only that can register by filling in the webform.

The deadline for registration is: (The application period is closed)

Maximum number of participants
The mission will be held with a maximum of 10 companies participating. (If necessary a selection will be made by the organizers)


To comply with the Travel Agency Act, our Tokyo office cannot take care of the inquiries for this mission.

Please directly contact the Brussels office (info-eu@een-japan.eu.)


Incoming Mission
EMC2 / Jules Verne Manufacturing Valley / ABE / EEN CCI Pays de la Loire / supported by EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
Contact e-mail:
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation / info-eu@een-japan.eu
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