Welcome to Upper Lusatia and its Boundaries - Polymer, Natural Fibres and Textile Industries B2B Mission

03 September 2016
07 September 2016
Zittau, Germany

In September 2016 alongside with the opening of the new Fraunhofer-Polymertechnology Centre Upper Lusatia, a 3-day Company Mission will be organized for Japanese companies and organisations, which offers cooperation opportunities in the field of polymer-technology and R&D within this sector.

Japanese companies operating as suppliers for third parties will gain insights on the latest 3D printing technology and will have the chance to discuss directly with researchers about new R&D projects. Following the idea of open innovation, another focus analyses the integration of polymeric items in textile industries – particularly in consumer-oriented fashion industries.

The polymer-cluster in Upper Lusatia has more than 90 companies, 3.500 employees and generate 275m € turnover and the sector´s export rate is close to 24%. Four regional industrial leaders, and three R&D-centres already declared their participation (see program below). Following the interest and profile of the Japanese participants, additional SMEs in Upper Lusatia will be invited for B2B-meetings.

The mission will mainly consist of:

  • Practical analysis of education concepts and vocational training in a pro-active polymer education centre,
  • B2B meetings with innovative SMEs in the field of polymer industry,
  • Guided tour through the new R&D facility “Fraunhofer-Polymertechnology Centre Upper Lusatia”, presentation of an embedded Higher Education program, and discussions about joint research projects,
  • Open innovation research input on “Polymeric Optical Fibres for wearables” as well as workshop facility visit of a global player of printed apparel and accessories.

View the attached file for more information.

The mission is targeting Japanese companies only that can register by filling in the webform.

The deadline for registration is: 15 July 2016 (The application period is closed)

Minimum number of participants
The mission will be held if 4 companies at least will have registered by the time of the deadline

Incoming Mission
Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz / Supported by the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
Contact e-mail:
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation / info-eu@een-japan.eu
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