Welcome to Valencia - Healtcare B2B Mission

22 November 2015
26 November 2015
Valencia, Spain

Today, the Valencian Community is the 4th region in Spain for export, and the 4th Spanish region with the highest density of companies.

The Health Sector in the Valencian Region is a sector which offers cooperation opportunities, due to its innovative character, exporting and talent. In this regard, it should be noted that this sector is not limited to activities related to the portfolio of health system services but encompasses segments as relevant as biotechnology or the pharmaceutical industry.

The mission will mainly consist of:

- B2B meetings to offer the possibility to the participants to have a pre-scheduled agenda with all the companies and technological centres participating in the mission that fit with their collaboration interests.

-  Visits to companies and technological centres related to the selected sectors in order to show and share the most highlighted technologies, research interests and business opportunities in the region.

View the attached file for more information.

The mission is targeting Japanese companies only that can register by filling in the webform.

The deadline for registration is: (The application period is closed)

Minimum number of participants
The mission will be held if 5 companies at least will have registered by the time of the deadline



To comply with the Travel Agency Act, our Tokyo office cannot take care of the inquiries for this mission.

Please directly contact the Brussels office (info-eu@een-japan.eu.)


Incoming Mission
Cámara Valencia, Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Navigation and Services of Valencia / REDIT, Network of Technological Centres of Valencia Region / Supported by EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
Contact e-mail:
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation / info-eu@een-japan.eu
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