Bilateral Call: Japan - Sweden Academia-Industry International Collaboration

11 October 2016

The Japan Science and Technology Agency and the Swedish equivalent Vinnova launched a bilateral call for proposal: Japan - Sweden Academia-Industry International Collaboration Program on Innovative Solutions, Community Design and Services for Elderly People.

Building on earlier long-standing fruitful co-operation in promoting and funding Japanese-Swedish research collaboration, JST and Vinnova have decided to work together to promote innovationoriented collaboration involving research organizations and industry in both countries.

In this call for proposals, JST and Vinnova invite Japanese and Swedish research and innovation teams to submit joint proposals for Japan-Sweden academia-industry cooperative research projects. The aim is to establish and strengthen research and innovation partnerships between Swedish and Japanese stakeholders. Successful projects are expected to build strong, sustained, Japanese-Swedish cooperation frameworks. The goal for projects is to assess the feasibility of the joint envisioned solution addressing the challenges of an aging society. The most successful projects after the first funding period may be invited to a second phase funding, in which the
usefulness of the solution is to be tested and demonstrated. A description of the two-phase funding scheme is found in the Annex to this text.

The call closes on 11th October 2016, 17:00 Japanese time, 14:00 Swedish time

More details in the attached document and below link:

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