Czech Company Mission to NANOTECH 2014

28 January 2014

Since 2011 Technology Centre ASCR started a successful co-operation with EU-Japan Centre for Industrial co-operation on missions of Czech companies to the Nanotech exhibition fair held in Tokyo each year.

Within the framework of the Enterprise Europe Network international support for SMEs and research institutes, Technology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic offers a space for presenting innovative technologies of their clients from nanotechnology sector.

Czech research institutes established an intensive collaboration with Japanese and Canadian companies which assures not only technology transfer of innovation ideas to a certain solution or product, but the activities also bring positive changes to production, business and research development processes. Japan companies can therefore also benefit from EU-funded help.

The Czech mission for 2014 is just now under preparation and Japanese partners are kindly invited to the Czech pavilion. See the attachment for details on the participants companies. 

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