EEN Brokerage Evenet at MEDICA/Compamed

16 November 2015
Düsseldorf, Germany

COMPAMED/MEDICA: 2015/11/16-19 - B2B: 2015/11/17-19

On the occasion of MEDICA 2015, the global No. 1 meeting place for the medical sector, ZENIT GmbH together with the Healthcare Sector Group of the Enterprise Europe Network will organise the international Brokerage Event. The aim is to assist enterprises, universities and research institutions in finding partners in Europe for product development, manufacturing and licensing agreements, joint ventures or other types of partnership.

This international Healthcare Brokerage Event at MEDICA fair has a tradition of more than 15 years now. In the last years the brokerage event had always more than 220 participants from about 30 countries with more than 800 meetings.

How to participate:

Register at and provide a profile describing either an offer or a request. All the participants’ profiles will be published on the website of the Brokerage Event. Browse the profiles online and book meetings with organisations you are interested in.

About one week prior to the event, each participant will receive an individual meeting schedule.

Japanese participants can be assisted by EEN Japan in prepration of and during the B2B event. For more information, email

Registration fees

  • 200 Euro - Companies
  • 100 Euro - Start-Ups (established on or after 1.1.2013)


MEDICA Trade Fair, Hall 6 Gallery / First Floor [Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, Messeplatz, 40474 Düsseldorf, Germany]


Enterprise Europe Network partner NRW Europa

Brokerage Event
Medical sector
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1 EUR = 172,699 JPY