12 October 2021

Within Pollutec, a major French fair in the environment, energy and circular economy sectors, the local Enterprise Europe Network partner, the CCI Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, is organizing the « GREEN DAYS » event, where you can participate in B2B and expert meetings. GREEN DAYS allow you to identify international partners and opportunities for development in the environment, energy and circular economy sectors! Clusters can also participate in an inter-clustering event (to benchmark and find cooperation). The participation to the event can be both virtual and on-site.


12 October - Conference & Virtual and on-site B2B and experts meetings

13 October - Virtual and on-site B2B and experts meetings

14 October - Virtual and on-site B2B and experts meetings

15 October - Virtual and on-site B2B and experts meetings & Inter-clustering event

Registration deadline: 20 september 2021

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