Hannover Messe B2fair 2018

23 April 2018
Hannover, Germany

The EEN partner the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce is organizing a B2fair matching event during the Hannover Messe trade fair. The 13th edition of the international brokerage event will take place from 23th to 27th April 2018. Almost 26,000 business meetings amongst 3,500 companies have been organised in the framework of this brokerage event since 2005.

 The brokerage event of 2018 at a glance:

  • Five days of business meetings
  • Individual intensive business meetings in an exclusive atmosphere
  • A matchmaking lounge located in the centre of the trade fair

The matchmaking event will cover all sectors of Hannover Messe 2018.

Participation conditions:

Participation fees for the matchmaking event is free of charge for companies that register via the EEN network until 15 February 2018. Please note that a fine of EUR 150 will be invoiced in order to maintain the quality of the event in case companies do not present themselves during the business meetings. After 15th February, the participation fee will be EUR 119.00

An additional EUR 75 will be charged for every additional participant per company.

Brokerage Event
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1 EUR = 172,396 JPY