ITmatch – virtual IT/ICT cooperation day 2021

25 May 2021

The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development is organizing a 1 day B2B event in the IT/ICT sectors.

The event brings together companies, R&D institutions, investors and other stakeholders from all over the world. This is a unique opportunity, organised in the framework of the Polish IT/ICT Promotion Program and Enterprise Europe Network to establish new business contacts, find contractors, exchange information and gather experience regarding the latest market trends in IT sector.

Key topics

  • ICT Future (AI, Blockchain, Drones, IoT, Cyber Security, AR&VR)
  • Software (Big Data, Machine Learning, Data Analysis, Mobile Apps)
  • Hardware (Embedded Systems, Human Interfaces, Sensors, 3D Printing)
  • Value Chain (Business Development, R&D, Testing&Analysis)
  • IT/ICT Services (Fintech, E-Health, E-Commerce, Outsourcing)

Important dates

  • 29.03-16.05.2021 - registration to the event,
  • 30.04-23.05.2021 - meeting selection,
  • 25.05.2021 - ITmatch matchmaking event

Registrations here:

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