Matchmaking event at the Torino Fashion Week 2018

28 June 2018
Turin, Italy

Unioncamere Piemonte, a partner of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) is organizing the third edition of the Torino FashionMatch 2018, a matchmaking event for the fashion and textile industry.
It will be held in Italy (Turin) from the 28th to the 1st of July 2018.

The event is realized within the Torino Fashion Week 2017 (27th June – 03 July 2018).

The TFW 2018 aims, once again, to focus on innovative companies, brands, emerging and young fashion designers, giving visibility also to the Modest fashion sector as well as to the traditional fashion companies. Moreover, for this 3°edition, the event will embrace the sport wear sector and streestyle market.

Registration is mandatory at before the 21 of June.

Brokerage event
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