Technology Description

The invention relates to an active-pixel-sensor (APS) apparatus for use in a star tracker device including an imager chip, said imager chip comprising an array of photo-diodes operating as optical pixels, and a logic circuit. The logic circuit is configured for reading out a pixel signal depending on an amount of light irradiated during a predetermined integration time and resetting the optical pixel upon termination of the predetermined integration time processing the pixel signals and to output the modified signals and for performing a non-destructive readout of the pixel signal during the integration time In order to distinguish Single-Event-Upset (SEU) contributions to the signal from star signal contributions, it is proposed to further configure the logic circuit to detect whether or not a discontinuity has occurred in the pixel signal during the integration time, and to modify the signal depending on the result of this detection.

Potential Benefits

This invention offer benefits only in space applications, where the incoming radiation is so high it may affect the quality of the image. For these applications, this invention solves the problem of the SEU effects, which corrupts the images.



Suggested Applications

The electronic industry, the aerospace industry (for space applications) and if it is usable in the nuclear industry, itself.

Case manager

Veronica La Regina

Granted in China, Japan, South Korea and USA. Filled in india
Stephen Airey

European Space Agency

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The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europes gateway to space. ESA is an intergovernmental organization with 22 Member States. Website:
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Technology Readiness Level 6

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