Technology Description

At the present time, commercially available otologic prostheses and those made from biological material in the operating theatre are not subjected to any acoustic measurement before the operation, and there is very little scientific research on acoustic characterization available for reference purposes. New forms of prosthesis (for example, prostheses with elastic parts for shock absorption, prostheses made of different materials, or those having holes, curves or the like) are devised without any possibility of knowing whether these modifications are beneficial or harmful in acoustic terms. It has therefore been felt necessary to develop a new system for the acoustic characterization of middle ear prostheses. Using the instrument it is possible to evaluate partial and total prostheses of the ossicular chain (Partial and Total Ossicular Replace Prostheses).

The invention proposes a test instrument for auditory prostheses. The instrument can be used for the experimental verification of the acoustic performance of the various types of prosthesis, based on an engineering set-up which can be used in an easy and immediate way. Using the instrument it is possible to evaluate partial and/or total prostheses of the ossicular chain; provision can also be made for testing membranes of various types as eardrum replacements and it is possible to set up a comparative analysis on the various prostheses.

Potential Benefits

a) The advantages of the acoustic test bench include the possibility of obtaining direct results, in the form of the transfer function relating to the sound waves (a sound is delivered to the input and is re-heard at the output), and the ease of conducting experiments in a laboratory or business environment.

b) The cost of construction and use of this instrument are substantially lower, and therefore more viable.

c)The acoustic test bench can evaluate the performance of existing prostheses, but may also be a useful tool for supporting the development of innovative prostheses.



Suggested Applications

Methods for the acoustic evaluation of middle ear prostheses.
The acoustic test bench can evaluate the performance of existing prostheses, but may also be a useful tool for supporting the development of innovative prostheses.

PCT Application
sponsored research agreement, option agreement, licence agreement
Stefano Berrettini (Audiology & Phoniatrics Unit, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Pisana), Serena Danti (Department of Neurosciences, University of Pisa)

Office for the Valorization of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research (UVaR)

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Office for the Valorization of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research (UVaR) - Region of Tuscany Website:
The technological areas
Engineering, Life sciences, Medicine

Technology Readiness Level 4

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