Technology Description

The new bridge construction method consists in building the bridge girders in a vertical position and in rotating the bridge girders into the final horizontal position. The span of the bridge girders is reduced by the compression struts, which enables considerable savings in construction materials.

Potential Benefits

- savings in construction materials (20-30% in comparison to balanced cantilever)
- fast vertical assembly of bridge girders and compression struts
- concentration of construction at the pier locations
- established technologies available for lifting and lowering process and the hinges



Suggested Applications

The proposed method will be especially advantageous for bridges with high piers and span length between 50 m and 250 m. The usage of temporary piers enables the application for bridges with piers of modest height. The method is also especially suited for temporary bridges and lift bridges.
The concentration of construction at the pier locations makes the construction method advantageous for environmentally sensitive areas.

Related materials
Case manager

Claudia Doubek

JP Patent
Johann Kollegger

TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology)

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