Technology Description

It is the manufacturing method of the nano diamond p type transparent electrode body having the high transparency that doped highly-concentrated boron and a superior electricity characteristic. Transmittance is more than 90%, and the seat resistance by the p type conduction is less than 300Ω/sq. Both sides light receiving solar panels can use it.

The Department of Electronic and Physical Systems/Electronic and Physical Systems Department conducts research in electronics and photo-electronics from the nano to the macro level, with a focus on materials science. This research leads directly to the development of materials and devices with new functions. We also try to combine devices with various new functions into systems. Without drawing lines between the fields of electronics, electricity, circuits, IT, communications, materials, physics, chemistry, and biology, we aim to create a new, integrated, nanotechnology-based academic field that meets the needs of the new century.

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Case manager

Shirai Akiko

JP Patent
please contact us through the General Inquiry form
Dr. KAWARADA Hiroshi, Professor

Waseda University

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