Technology Description

The present invention discloses a new disposable and miniaturized array of electrochemical sensors for the minimally invasive monitoring of tissue ischemia (ISCHEMSURG).
Early recognition of tissue compromise is a primary aim of every microsurgical and trauma unit. The standard monitoring method is based on subjective clinical observations, which depend on the professional experience. Early tissue compromise is often asymptomatic, increasing ischemic times and reducing successful salvage rates. Moreover, deep tissues are very complex to monitor by clinical observation. On the market, only two options have been proposed to overcome this trouble: flap micro dialysis and the Cook-Swarts implantable device.

Potential Benefits

ISCHEMSURG technology is based on the detection of physiological changes that occur under ischemia conditions, which are analyzed by means of potentiometry and bioimpedance. This wireless sensor permits the continuous control of deep tissues, whose blood perfusion may be compromised.

Ischemia control by means of ISCHEMSURG technology can be carried out by both physicians and caregiver professionals. Moreover, the small dimensions of the sensor as well as the probe design, permits ISCHEMSURG to be easily removed from the site of insertion with minimal pain and risk.

In case of ischemia complications, ISCHEMSURG will permit an immediate surgical response before irreversible tissue damage occurs.
The device was pre-validated for hypoxia monitoring by means of pH and O2 detection in tissue and blood in rabbit model.


To be determined during further development.

Suggested Applications

Detection and control of tissue ischemia

Case manager

Aida Castellanos Paez

EP Application
Licensing or Assignment
Josep Samitier, Monica Mir, Samuel Dulay, Lourdes Josefina Rivas, Sandrine Miserere, Briza Perez, Manuel Lopez, Francisco Palacio

Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red, Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina

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The Biomedical Networking Research Center of Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN) is one of the 11 thematic areas of CIBER. CIBER groups some of the main Spanish research groups (more than 400) in biomedicine, located in more than 100 institutions distributed around Spain. Website:
The technological areas
Life sciences, Medicine

Technology Readiness Level 4

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