Technology Description


Cutting processes result in high thermal and mechanical loads of cutting tools. As a sustainable alternative to conventional oil emulsions, nitrogen can be used as a refrigerant; but nitrogen in gaseous form has poor lubricating properties.

Description of the Invention

The invention is a continuous liquid phase supply system for the cryogenic medium with phase separator that supplies the liquid phase to the cutting zone while the separated gaseous phase is used to isolate the flow of the liquid phase and create an inert atmosphere in the rigid cutting zone.

Potential Benefits

Other advantages of the invention are:

- better cooling and lubricating effect,
more localized supply of liquid nitrogen,
- economical usage of liquid nitrogen (lowe consumption),
improving the performance of the cutting process (longer tool life);
- improving product performance (improved integrity of the treated surface)



Suggested Applications

Manufacturing processes, cutting processes, cryogenic cutting.

Patent pending
Licensing or Assignment
Franci Pušavec, Luka Sterle, Damir Grguraš

University of Ljubljana (Knowledge transfer office)

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Technology Readiness Level 5

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