Technology Description

The technology consists in a system for treating waste water containing urea. The urea-containing water treatment device stated in the patent, comprises an inlet for urea-containing water which is connected to a nitrification unit adapted to oxidize
urea to nitrates and carbon dioxide, where the nitrification unit is also provided with an oxygen feed , a gas discharge, and a through feed for feed of nutrified wastewater to a filtration unit connected to the nitrification unit, and where the filtration unit is provided with an out-feed for water purified by the nitrification unit and the filtration unit.

Potential Benefits

Allowing this association of technologies can produce pure water which is not possible using de-nitrification only. Moreover the technology seems to be easy to implement and obtain an enlargement of the
ammonium molecules without adding any costly consumable.


Depending on application, different standards in water purification has to be taken into account for the invention.

Suggested Applications

The technology can be applied in all issues related to the purification and decontamination of wastewater, especially in urban wastewater. It could be used, in a small scale, as a system to water recycling from urine waste in houses, hotels, campers, and in a big scale as a waste water plant for large companies or airports or in highly populated areas. On the other hand, for purification of part of manure waste could be a useful technology do to the large amount of urine in this kind of waste.

Case manager

Veronica La Regina

Granted in Japan, The Netherlands and Singapore
Christel Dominique Paule Paille, Christopher Andre Antoine Lasseur, Josef Johannes De Swart, C.J. de Swart, Robertus Christiaan Josephus Suters

European Space Agency

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The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europes gateway to space. ESA is an intergovernmental organization with 22 Member States. Website:
The technological areas
Engineering, Life sciences

Technology Readiness Level 4


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