
Faculty of electrical engineering, computer science and information technology Osijek is the faculty within the University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer Osijek, Croatia. The faculty provides higher education in the field of electrical engineering, computer science and information technology.


Faculty of electrical engineering, computer science and information technology Osijek consists of 6 departments: Department of core courses, Department of software engineering, Department of computer engineering and automation, Department of power engineering, Department of electromechanical engineering and Department of Communications. The faculty is higher educational institution offering study programmes in the field of electrical engineering, computer science and information technologies on BSc, MSc and PhD level. As part of the University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer Osijek it exhibits a 39 years of continuous contribution to higher education in eastern Croatia. Besides higher education the faculty conducts scientific projects and it constantly cooperates with industry enhancing the local economy.

Other information

The Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek is an educational institution that connects scientific research, artistic creation, teaching and studying thus developing science, profession and art, prepares students for professional work based on scientific knowledge and methods, as well as artistic value, educates young researchers, participates in realization of students’ social interests and promotes international, particularly European cooperation in higher education, in scientific and artistic activities. Within their scientific research activities, the constituent units of the University of Osijek have had long-standing successful cooperation with numerous scientific institutions in the country and abroad. International and inter-institutional cooperation of the University of Osijek is carried out within the activities based on bilateral inter-institutional agreements, international university networks, international scientific and professional research projects of the European Commission, and international activities of student organizations.

Available technologies

Wireless Sensor Network for Analog Signal Acquisition
TRL: 7
Availability: Licensing
Status: US Patent
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