Office for the Valorization of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research (UVaR) - Region of Tuscany


The Office for the Valorization of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research (UVaR), at the Directorate General for Citizen Rights and Social Cohesion of the Region of Tuscany, supports the management of the calls activated to support health research, with particular regard to intellectual property and technology transfer. The office, which works in close collaboration with the Industrial Liaison Offices (ILOs) of the Tuscan universities and the four university hospitals of the regional healthcare system, also supports processes for the exploitation of the results of biomedical and pharmaceutical research. In particular, UVaR performs activities including patent due diligence, the management of intellectual property rights, business intelligence and technology transfer, as well as marketing actions and the dissemination of the intellectual property culture.

Available technologies

A method for in vitro diagnosis of allergy and related device
TRL: 4
Availability: other
Status: PCT Application
Apparatus and process for the preparation of a biomimetic tissue prosthesis of the tympanic membrane
TRL: 4
Availability: other
Status: PCT Application
Apparatus for the acoustic evaluation of middle ear prostheses
TRL: 4
Availability: other
Status: PCT Application
Apparatus for the sampling and preparation of biomedical samples in a closed sterile environment
TRL: 4
Availability: other
Status: PCT Application
Extracellular matrix comprising platelet factors
TRL: 4
Availability: other
Status: US Patent
Immunogenic synthetic glycoconjugate for the immunotherapy of melanoma
TRL: 4
Availability: other
Status: US Patent
TRL: 4
Availability: other
Status: PCT Application
Method for the isolation, purification and amplification of renal progenitors CD133+CD24+ from the urine of patients suffering from renal diseases
TRL: 4
Availability: other
Status: PCT Application
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