
UNIPD is one of the top Higher Education Institutions in Italy with approximately 60,000 students , 230 post-doc researchers, 2,300 teaching staff and 2,300 administrative staff. Founded in 1222, it includes 32 Departments, 1 University Hospital and 1 Veterinary Hospital and Experimental Farm.


In terms of research quality and excellence, the first ever 2 reports (VQR) issued by the National Research Assessment Committee (ANVUR) ranked the university of Padova at the top among leading Italian universities for the quality of its research results. Based on the number of citations of articles and publications by its researchers (source: ISI), the University of Padova ranks among the top three Italian universities for total impact index, productivity index, and presence index. Research at Padova is also attracting more and more public and private funding. 5.2% of the resources that the Italian State allocates to scientific projects of national importance are awarded to Researchers at the University of Padova, while financing from the European Union for projects in various departments and research centres at the university has grown by 40% over the last three years. The university ability to contribute to the cultural development and economic growth of the region is also confirmed by the number of ongoing contracts with public and private bodies for experimental activities. Commercial research services alone account for 32% of the income of the university departments.

Available technologies

Connector for timber walls
TRL: 4
Availability: other
Status: US Application
TRL: 4
Availability: other
Status: EP Application
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