The University of Alicante was created in October 1979 on the structure of the University Study Centre (CEU), which was started in 1968. Thus, Alicante recovered in this way its university studies centre that was suspended in 1834.


The University of Alicante (UA) was created in 1979. Today it educates and trains more than 36.000 students -2.500 of them are international students - and offers more than 80 undergraduate and 96 postgraduate programmes: consequently it is proportionally one of the fastest growing universities in Spain. The UA houses 227 research groups in Social and Legal Sciences, Experimental Sciences, Technological Sciences, Human Sciences, Education and Health Sciences and 15 Research Institutes (Water & Environment, Materials, Electrochemistry, Biodiversity, Chemical Processes and Organic Synthesis, and Modern Languages, among others). Thus, the UA employs over 2.400 researchers/ professors and has a complex management /administration structure of 1.300 people, which involves an annual budget of 175 million Euros.

Moreover, it is considered to be a point of reference for many companies to which the University provides technical assistance, technology transfer, customized training programmes, post-graduate studies and cooperates in many R&D programmes. In 2014 the University generated an income of near 13.6 million Euros from research funded projects on a National, Regional, European level and private level. It is also an appreciated reference point for international relations.

Other information

The University owns an Industrial Experimentation Area and provides a range of research technical services such as Pilot Plants, Laboratories, Data Process Centre, Advanced Information and Documentation Systems, European Data Centre, Science Park, Employment Advisory Office, Business Training Area, Technology Transfer Office, Lifelong learning Centre, Doctorate School, Gender Equality Unit and Ethics Committee.

Available technologies

Black titanias for photocatalysis, solar cells and environmental applications
TRL: 4
Availability: Licensing
Status: PCT Application
Electrochemical regeneration of activated carbons versus thermal regeneration
TRL: 5
Availability: Licensing
Status: PCT Application
Food Disinfection System Using Ultraviolet Germicidal Radiation
TRL: 6
Availability: other
Status: PCT Application
Low cost sensors for the detection of gaseous hydrogen
TRL: 4
Availability: Licensing
Status: PCT Application
Method for recycling of vessels and other structures composed of fiberglass and resin
TRL: 4
Availability: Licensing
Status: PCT Application
New process for the manufacture of electrodes from superporous nanostructured carbon materials
TRL: 4
Availability: Licensing
Status: PCT Application
Noble metal-free ceria-based diesel soot combustion catalyst
TRL: 4
Availability: Licensing
Status: PCT Application
Solid-state laser with COPV as active compound
TRL: 4
Availability: Licensing
Status: PCT Application
Sustainable production of biofuel (bioethanol) from shellfish waste
TRL: 4
Availability: Licensing
Status: PCT Application
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