
To Become Asia’s Leading University, We Will Establish Waseda as an "International Research University"


Waseda University started life as Tokyo Senmon Gakko (Tokyo College) on October 21, 1882. In the early years it was also commonly known as the Waseda Gakko (Waseda School) or Totsuka Gakko (Totsuka School), after the location of founder Shigenobu Okuma’s villa in the village of Waseda and the school’s location in Totsuka Village.

Around 1892, the vernacular name Waseda Gakko became prevalent, and the institution was formally renamed Waseda Daigaku (Waseda University) upon acquiring university designation in 1902.

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As globalization of our society continues to gain momentum, critical global issues such as the environment and energy, poverty, and regional conflicts continue to cast a shadow on human society’s future. In order to achieve real peace and happiness throughout the world, universities must become leading forces in rebuilding our system of values, spurring new and original advances in science and technology, and establishing new societal systems. Universities should, therefore, nurture human resources with specialized skills and leadership capability who will lead the next-generation’s society. To meet these demands of society and to firmly establish Waseda as Asia’s leading university, we have formulated and presented to society a new long-term strategic plan, the “Waseda Vision 150,” and have begun implementing the concrete activities included in the plan.

In “Waseda Vision 150,” we describe the ideal university we aspire to become by our 150th anniversary in 2032, and present 13 Core Strategies as well as specific Projects toward the realization of the vision. In the field of academic research, our goal is to become a world-class “International Research University.” One of our strengths as a university ‒ our integration of knowledge in diverse disciplines ‒ will be leveraged to pursue innovative and original research linked to solving society’s complex set of issues. Moreover, the fruits of our research will be transferred to society based on a systematic strategy. We envision, in 2032, the Waseda University that promotes “research that will contribute to real world peace and happiness in human society” and that leads the world in creating a better society and brighter future. We have already started the steps to turn this vision into reality.

Boron-doped monocrystalline diamond as a p-type transparent electrode
Availability: other
Status: JP Patent
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Status: other
Microfluidic white organic light-emitting diode
Availability: other
Status: JP Patent
Vertically oriented graphite layers on diamond substrate
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Status: JP Patent
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