Technology Description

The invention is an architectural component of new generation for the creation of continuous high performance curtain wall façades.
The invention represents the most advanced performance-based design method taking into account "Multi criteria", as it incorporates design features that improve building energy efficiency, PV yield and user comfort.
It is a transparent, medium to large sized complex shape glass tile that can be produced by molding technique, which is relatively economical and environmentally friendly when compared to the processes typical of the production of float glass for the building.
It has a central area that can be both transparent and opaque and able to integrate different PV cell technologies and colors. Central area is designed to be rotated at specific angle for each module to control both performance and aesthetic.

Potential Benefits

The present solution allows to:

- create high-performance curtain walls custom solutions with assistance of the most advanced "multi-criteria" performance-based design method.

- improve the performance of the photovoltaic modules and building, both for passive (daylighting, glare) and active (such as the generation of electrical power by means of the integrated photovoltaic).

- create a variety of configurations within the same typological set, thanks to the combination of only several modules with different PV technologies and rotation angles, combined and distributed in relation to a specific urban context, the environment and climate.



Suggested Applications

The invention relates to a method for the application of photovoltaic modules integrated in a building.
The present invention finds application in the field of integrated photovoltaic panels in buildings, namely in the field BIPV (Building Integrated Photo Voltaic).

Related materials
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Case manager

Politecnico di Milano - Technology Transfer Office

PCT Application
Collaboration for industrial prototype development and validation and licensing
Alessandra Zanelli, Nabojsa Jakica, Department of Architecture, Built environment and Construction engineering - Politecnico di Milano

Politecnico di Milano

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Technology Readiness Level 4

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