Technology Description

The invention provides innovative post-process heat treatments that can be applied
to near-net shape parts made up of Ti alloys built by AM. The properties
obtained not only improve in a large way the as-built AM parts without altering
their geometry, they even exceed the performances of the wrought Ti-6Al-4V
This innovative process leads to the production of dual-phase α/α’ structures
(Figure 1). The heat-treatment consists first in heat-treating the near-net shape
part in the α + b Ti phase field in a specific range of temperature (generally
between 875°C and 920°C). The part is then quenched in order to transform b
phase and produce controlled volume fractions of martensite (α ’ phase).

Potential Benefits

- Heat-treatment specifically developed for, but not limited to, near-net shape Ti parts ;
- Broad range of tensile properties obtained by varying the martensite fraction: large yield strength, large ductility, and high ultimate tensile strength ;
- Remarkable work-hardening behaviour inducing an improvement of the strength-ductility balance (Figure 2) that translates into excellent energy absorption capabilities (Figure 3) ;
- This new level of properties even exceeds that of conventional wrought Ti parts, making it very interesting for aeronautic and biomedical applications.



Suggested Applications

- Aerospace and aeronautic
- Biomedical and more specifically for orthopedic and dental implants

Related materials
Case manager

Arnaud Quintens

PCT Application
Licensing or Assignment
GODET, Stéphane de FORMANOIR, Charlotte

Université libre de Bruxelles

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