Technology Description

Current methods for manufacturing complex parts are not fully satisfactory: loss of material, length of process, materials with imperfect performances... Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) is a rapid densification technique which allows to get materials exhibiting higher performances. Combining this technology with a method for producing complex shapes is today possible.

- Manufacturing process of complex parts to nearest dimensions, so called near net shape
-> Use of a sacrificial material (possibly of different and less expensive kind)
-> Creation of mobile interfaces
-> Evolution of the mobile interface during the densification: support the formation of the part to its final dimensions

- One step process

- Manufacture of several parts in a single matrix

- Fast production of high performances parts

Potential Benefits

Complex geometry
Homogeneity of Density & Microstructure
Near net shape
Reduced loss of material
Reduced manufacturing cost
Manufacturing simplification & speeding up
Parts with high mechanical performances



Suggested Applications

Turbine turbocharger
Turbine blade
Piston pin
Bearing ball
Dental implant
Biomedical prosthesis

PCT Application
Estournes Claude, CIRIMAT

Toulouse Tech Transfer

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Toulouse Tech Transfer is, the technology transfer office of the University of Toulouse. Our mission is to promote the results of research to industry: management of intellectual property, licensing. Website:
The technological areas
Applied physics

Technology Readiness Level 4

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