Technology Description

Renewable energies integration in electrical power networks is, sometimes, the key to make renewable energy enter the system. This integration represents new control algorithms that can connect them to the energy system. But energy distribution systems cannot be tested in real conditions as they are critical.
IMDEA Energy has created a test environment specifically designed for research, development and testing of control algorithms in energy systems. This environment, or testing laboratory, accelerates the process of control design development necessary for connecting energy resources to electricity networks. The lab capacity for power processing is 210kVA and it is formed by a set of power electronics converters, resistive load-banks, 47.5kWh battery system, distribution panels, and monitoring and control systems. This platform allows analysis, development, and testing of realistic scenarios for energy integration in both AC and DC networks and also the operation of distribution power networks, islanded networks and microgrids. The results obtained from this test environment are more reliable and accurate than any model-based computer simulation.
What distinguishes this laboratory is its flexibility in the implementation of control algorithms and implementation of energy management algorithms. For example, the lab network is capable of emulating at the same time a generation and load mix consisting of various wind, photo-voltaic and conventional generators and passive and active loads altogether connected to a wide area energy resources in such a network is simply defined by assigning a different control block toeach one of them. In addition to this, the battery system installation offers all the flexibility needed for the development of management algorithms for future power network.
Control algorithms for power inverters are programmed via Matlab Simulink and code generation tools and are then executed in real-time on industrial PCs. Real-time data exchange provides Access to all control variables and parameters during the test. In this way, the desired flexibility in reproducing real dynamic characteristics of any energy source, generator or load it is achieved.
The monitoring and control system allows an independent, remote, real-time access to laboratory resources including the network reconfiguration, control of contractors and connection to the external power grid. Moreover, by harnessing the potential of the communication network installations an

Potential Benefits

• Advanced control algorithms for power electronic interfaces
• Real-time emulation of power network operation
• Real-time proactive algorithms for energy management of microgrids
• Flexible, model-based approach in forming energy systems and their components
• Test environment for integration of renewable and storage technologies
• Facilitates the implementation of energy management scenarios
• Grid-connected or islanded operation
• Easy access to all the configuration, test and control data
• Possibility to test all control and management algorithms in real-time and by using real power conversion


Capacity for power processing 210kVA

Suggested Applications

• Grid integration of renewable technologies, distributed generation, and energy storage
• Energy management for small power systems and buildings
• Stability and power flow analysis for power networks and microgrids
• Development of control algorithms for power electronics interfaces
• Power quality improvement
• Power electronics applications FACTS, HVDC, Active filters etc.

Secret Know-how
Available for demonstration
Research team of IMDEA Energy Electrical Systems Unit

IMDEA Energy Institute

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IMDEA Energy Institute was created in 2006 as non-profit Foundation to promote and carry out R&D&i activities to contribute to the development of a sustainable and decarbonised energy system. IMDEA Energy is strongly committed to the transfer of R&D outcomes to the productive sector. Website:
The technological areas

Technology Readiness Level 5

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