Technology Description

An innovative therapeutic solution developed with extracellular vesicles (EV)
for treatment of secondary damage effects on ischemic tissues.

Policlinico Hospital inventors select and isolate human mesenchymal stem cells, renowned
for their beneficial effects in pathological contexts of acute damage. After a reprogramming process (repCBMSC), they identified a specific set of miRNA able to modulate inflammation in both parental CBMSC-EV and repCBMSC-EV.This set of miRNA was successfully challenged in a model of brain ischemia, where necrosis was significantly reduced.

Potential Benefits

- Protective/reparative effect correlated with significant tissue level reduction of apoptotic/inflammatory TNFα (4-fold) and INFγ (3-fold).
- Significant necrosis damage reduction.



Suggested Applications

- Treatment or prevention of secondary damage effects on ischemic tissues.
- Treatment of acute or chronic neurodegenerative diseases with inflammatory

Related materials
Case manager

Laura Spinardi

PCT Application
Mario Barilani, Lorenza Lazzari

Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico

Discover the institution >>
Cà Granda Hospital, was founded in 1456 becoming a model for European hospitals; in six centuries of activity it has followed the Milanese in their path of healing, affecting the history of medicine and anticipating various innovations that are revolutionary to this day. Website:
The technological areas
Life sciences, Medicine

Technology Readiness Level 3

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