The Country-of-Origin Effect in Japan (MINERVA Fellowship)
By Paul Van der Plas in the framework of the Minerva Fellowship Programme.
Factsheet: EPA & Processed Agricultural Products (PAPs)
The aim of this factsheet is to explain to EU PAPs exporters the market access opportunities offered by the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) as well as, in a brief overview, the releva
Factsheet: EPA & Meat Products
The aim of this factsheet is to explain to EU meat exporters the market access opportunities offered by the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement as well as, in a brief overview, the relevant Rul
Factsheet: EPA & Dairy Products
The aim of this factsheet is to explain to EU dairy exporters the market access opportunities offered by the Agreement for an Economic Partnership (EPA) as well as, in a brief overview, the relevan
Factsheet: EPA & Wine
The aim of this factsheet is to explain to EU wine exporters the market access opportunities offered by the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) as well as and the recognition of oenologic
Factsheet: EPA & Spirits and Beer Products
The aim of this factsheet is to explain to EU beer and spirits exporters the market access opportunities offered by the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement and in a brief overview, the relevant
Report: All about Starting a Business in Japan Version 2018
To get the access to this report, please click here.
Factsheet: EPA & Geographical Indications
About the factsheet :
Report: How to open a representative office in Japan
To get the access to this report, please click here.
Report: The Japanese market of single-use plastic products and potential substitutes
To get the access to this report, please 

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