Space Industry Business Opportunities in Japan - The Market Potential for EU SMEs Involved in the Earth-Observation Products & Services
This 170 pgs Report provides a comprehensive overview of the Japan Space policy and industry, with a focus on Earth Observation, including a SWOT analysis.
Case Study: Protobios Ltd. / SME
Protobios – from EE
Case Study: ITware KFT / SME / Search for Partners in Japan
ITware KFT – from HU
Hydro, Tidal and Wave Energy in Japan - Business, Research and Technological Opportunities for European Companies
The Report presents the hydro and marine energy market in Japan, with the past and recent trends, the growth potential and the relevant normative framework.
Wind energy in Japan - Industrial cooperation and business potential for European companies
Although wind power installations in Japan are still way behind Europe’s volume, 80% of Japan’s related wind industry believes that the sector will grow in the future and the business potential is
The Microalgae industry in Japan
WTG industry related players in Japan
As part of the research for the 2016 wind energy report, a list of relevant industry players has been conducted.
Most relevant EU stakeholders (40) on microalgae and products derived from microalgal biomass
List with the 69 stakeholders members of the AIIC (Algae Industry Incubation Consortium, Japan)
Report: Energy Storage Landscape in Japan
To get the access to this report, please click here.

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