Report: The Japanese Solar PV Market
To get the access to this report, please click here.
Nanotech Cluster and Industry Landscape in Japan
This report has been undertaken in the framework of the new "Minerva Fellowship" programme initiated by the Centre in 2013 and is b
Nanotech Cluster and Industry landscape in Japan - interactive map
Nanotech industry landscape in Japan:
Smart Cities in Japan
This Smart Cities in Japan - An Assessment on the Potential for EU-Japan Cooperation and Business Development report begins by outlining Smart City policy and actors in Japan, before consi
Case Study: Debailleul: a Belgian SME
An assessment of key EU industrial sectors open to Japanese technological cooperation and investment
This publication will help Japanese researchers, companies and other organisations take advantage of the considerable opportunities to establish and develop industrial activities or relationships i
Destination Europe - The EU Single Market: an attractive destination for Japanese FDI
This publication is an information material on the European Union as an attractive destination for Japanese investments.
Case Study: GA Generic Assays GmbH: a German SME
GA Generic Assays GmbH – from DE
Case Study: MEBIUS d.o.o.: a Slovenian SME
MEBIUS – from SL
The Wine Market in Japan: An Assessment of Challenges and Opportunities for Central and Eastern European Producers
This publication is aimed at wine producers in Central and Eastern Europe who wish to sell their wine in Japan.

EU-Japan Centre's News

On 19 September 2024, the European Commission announced plans for a study on the production and use…


01/08/2024 - 31/03/2025
  WHAT IS IT? Vulcanus in Japan started in 1997. The programme consists of industrial placements for  students in engineering or other scientific fields. It is open to EU nationals and to…
U.S.-Japan Council, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan and EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation Joint Webinar Direction that Japan’s carbon pricing should aim for -- referring to…
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