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is a joint venture co-financed by the European Commission and the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). Its aim is to foster the development of industrial cooperation between companies from both regions through training programmes for businesspeople, for EU and Japanese students and researchers, and through information services and an industrial dialogue. This quarterly newsletter is produced by the EU-based office of the EU-Japan Centre, and is primarily intended to provide EU/Japan-related news.

Centre's News

The EU and Japan now both aim for carbon neutrality in 2050

In October, Japan joined the EU in the ambition of reaching carbon neutrality by 2050. A very encouraging signal for the one-year series of events and the new website launched by the EU-Japan Centre to support cooperation on climate action between Europe and Japan.

The EU and Japan now both aim for carbon neutrality in 2050

In October, Japan joined the EU in the ambition of reaching carbon neutrality by 2050. A very encouraging signal for the one-year series of events and the new website launched by the EU-Japan Centre to support cooperation on climate action between Europe and Japan.

Japanese Industry and Policy News September-October 2020 issue

The EU-Japan Centre regularly publishes "Industry and Policy News" from various Japanese language sources of potential interest, including newly released policy documents, surveys, and official statements, in the context of EU-Japan industrial cooperation and is pleased to announce its latest issue.

Lean Café - sharing lean thinking in a friendly atmosphere

With the on-going covid crisis, all companies regardless of size or sector of activity face new challenges and have had to find new ways of working, including updating their lean tools and strategies. Each month, the EU-Japan Centre Lean Café hosts Zoom discussions of lean thinking, with a different guest speaker giving a 30-minute presentation on a particular lean topic and then taking questions. Hosted by Richard Keegan – the EU-Japan Centre's Lean Advisor and Adjunct Professor of Lean Operational Excellence at Trinity Business School – the Café brings together lean practitioners from acr...

Lean Café - sharing lean thinking in a friendly atmosphere

With the on-going covid crisis, all companies regardless of size or sector of activity face new challenges and have had to find new ways of working, including updating their lean tools and strategies. Each month, the EU-Japan Centre Lean Café hosts Zoom discussions of lean thinking, with a different guest speaker giving a 30-minute presentation on a particular lean topic and then taking questions. Hosted by Richard Keegan – the EU-Japan Centre's Lean Advisor and Adjunct Professor of Lean Operational Excellence at Trinity Business School – the Café brings together lean practitioners from acr...

Biotech & Pharma Virtual Partnering Conference 2020

EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation and Osaka Bio Headquarters (Osaka Prefectural Government) co-organise "Biotech & Pharma Partnering Conference", a one-to-one business matching event annually since 2016.

This year, the Biotech & Pharma Partnering Conference, which has been held in Osaka for the last four years in October, was held online from 28 to 30 September. All meetings between participants this year took place in a form of video calls.
Despite the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, we have been successfully organising the event in support and cooperation with ma...

Biotech & Pharma Virtual Partnering Conference 2020

EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation and Osaka Bio Headquarters (Osaka Prefectural Government) co-organise "Biotech & Pharma Partnering Conference", a one-to-one business matching event annually since 2016.

This year, the Biotech & Pharma Partnering Conference, which has been held in Osaka for the last four years in October, was held online from 28 to 30 September. All meetings between participants this year took place in a form of video calls.
Despite the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, we have been successfully organising the event in support and cooperation with ma...

Export Support online workshop on Maritime Transport Sector

On 3 November, the EU-Japan Centre with the support of Enterprise Europe Network partner organisations in the EU, members of the Sector Group Maritime Industries & Services, organised an online workshop dedicated to EU companies seeking to understand the various segments of the maritime transport industry in Japan, as well as the impact of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement in this sector.
The attendees, local companies mostly from Germany, France and Denmark, accompanied by Enterprise Europe Network, had the chance to learn more about the topic and to ask questions to the...

Online workshop for Lithuanian textile and apparel companies

How to enter the Japanese market and benefit from the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)

Enterprise Europe Network partners – the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation together with Vilnius and Kaunas Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Crafts organised an online workshop for Lithuanian textile and apparel companies – "How to enter the Japanese market and benefit from the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)" on Thursday, 24 September 2020.
The key objectives of the workshop were to prepare Lithuanian companies for doing business with Japanese companies, give more insights ...

Export Support online workshop on Maritime Transport Sector

On 3 November, the EU-Japan Centre with the support of Enterprise Europe Network partner organisations in the EU, members of the Sector Group Maritime Industries & Services, organised an online workshop dedicated to EU companies seeking to understand the various segments of the maritime transport industry in Japan, as well as the impact of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement in this sector.
The attendees, local companies mostly from Germany, France and Denmark, accompanied by Enterprise Europe Network, had the chance to learn more about the topic and to ask questions to the...

Online Training Series in 2021 - Export to Japan: What You Should Know

Export to Japan: What You Should Know upcoming 2021 Online Training Series. The online training series aims at presenting in a practical manner all what EU companies should know when exporting to Japan.

EPA webinars to be organised in 2021

The EU-Japan Centre will continue promoting the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) in 2021. Its EPA Helpdesk will re-organise webinars to enable EU SMEs take advantage of the opportunity to increase their knowledge and benefit from this agreement.

Next "About Japan" Webinars and Reports

Throughout 2021, the EU-Japan Centre will publish reports and conduct webinars. This series of "About Japan" webinars is aimed at supporting EU companies in their access to the Japanese market.

Online Training Series in 2021 - Export to Japan: What You Should Know

Export to Japan: What You Should Know upcoming 2021 Online Training Series. The online training series aims at presenting in a practical manner all what EU companies should know when exporting to Japan.

EPA webinars to be organised in 2021

The EU-Japan Centre will continue promoting the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) in 2021. Its EPA Helpdesk will re-organise webinars to enable EU SMEs take advantage of the opportunity to increase their knowledge and benefit from this agreement.

Next "About Japan" Webinars and Reports

Throughout 2021, the EU-Japan Centre will publish reports and conduct webinars. This series of "About Japan" webinars is aimed at supporting EU companies in their access to the Japanese market.

From EU

Commission launched Access2Markets portal to support trade by small businesses

The European Commission has launched the Access2Markets online portal to help small and medium-sized firms trade beyond the EU's borders. The new portal responds to requests from stakeholders to better explain trade agreements and help companies ensure their products are eligible for duty discounts.

EU trade agreements: delivering for Europe's businesses

The 4th Annual Report on the Implementation of the European Union's Trade Agreements in 2019 (published on the 12 November 2020) shows the benefits of the European Union expanding global trade network. Despite tensions in the global trade arena, the report shows that EU trade agreements continued to facilitate fair and sustainable trade and solidify the framework of international rules.

Trade with the 65 preferential partners covered in the report grew by 3.4% in 2019, while the EU's total external trade grew by 2.5% overall. The EU's trade agreements with Canada and Japan have especi...

Commission launched Access2Markets portal to support trade by small businesses

The European Commission has launched the Access2Markets online portal to help small and medium-sized firms trade beyond the EU's borders. The new portal responds to requests from stakeholders to better explain trade agreements and help companies ensure their products are eligible for duty discounts.

EU-Japan EPA Progress Report

EU-Japan EPA Progress Report

The European Commission released in August an "EU-Japan EPA progress report between 1 Feb 2019 – 31 Jan 2020".
This report assesses the current state of the EPA implementation as well as Japan's compliance with the agreement.
The report highlights: (i) discussions and outcomes of the specialised committees and working groups established under the EPA ("Specialised Committee(s)" and "Working Group(s)", respectively),(ii) amendments to Japanese laws, regulations, and practices that reflect the commitments made by Japan in the EU-Japan EPA or are otherwise noteworthy, (iii) non-legis...

Sectoral Study: Impact of the EU-Japan EPA on the Leather Products Market in Japan

Although Japan's domestic production of leather products has declined, the import of them into Japan has seen an increase; with the preferential tariff rates introduced for the leather products originating in the EU, which will ultimately be eliminated, the EPA presents opportunities for the EU producers of leather products in the EU to expand their exports to Japan.

This report aims to provide assistance to the EU producers in making use of this new business opportunity, by providing an overview of the market and the relevant laws and regulations.

Guide for EU Suppliers on Government Procurement in Japan

This guide was designed to assist companies in the European Union that seek to supply work, goods, or services to public entities in Japan through public procurement, or similar processes, following the entry into force of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement, as provided therein.

The guide explains the main changes in the scope of the government procurement activities introduced by the EU-Japan EPA and provides an overview of the strengthened transparency related rules.

From Japan

Launch of Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in Kyushu University, Second Stage

Kyushu University first strengthened its expertise on EU matters while acting as the consortium leader of the EU Institute in Japan, Kyushu (EUIJ-Kyushu), which was funded by the European Commission. The university actively promoted EU-related education and research during this time. In recognition of the achievements of EUIJ-Kyushu, Kyushu University was then selected as a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in Japan in 2016 (the project name was "Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence-Kyushu (JMCoE-Q)") and developed a strategic three-year plan, which ended in 2019. Now we are pleased to announce ...

Launch of Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in Kyushu University, Second Stage

Kyushu University first strengthened its expertise on EU matters while acting as the consortium leader of the EU Institute in Japan, Kyushu (EUIJ-Kyushu), which was funded by the European Commission. The university actively promoted EU-related education and research during this time. In recognition of the achievements of EUIJ-Kyushu, Kyushu University was then selected as a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in Japan in 2016 (the project name was "Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence-Kyushu (JMCoE-Q)") and developed a strategic three-year plan, which ended in 2019. Now we are pleased to announce ...

Advanced Therapy Showcase in Tokyo #1 (ATST#1)

Life Science Innovation Network Japan (LINK-J) steps forward to launch a series of business partnering event "Advanced Therapy Showcase in Tokyo," and is preparing for its first edition planned to be virtually held on January 21, 2021.

Proposal call for drug discovery research

Asahi Kasei Pharma Corporation, Open Innovation platform is inviting proposals for its collaborative research program in drug discovery. The program aims to create innovative new drugs to match the company philosophy," contribute to life and living for people around the world". Realising this goal requires the combined power of many researchers, both internal and external to the company, providing innovation through the integration of their knowledge.

Asahi Kasei Pharma Corporation is a Japanese pharmaceutical company ranked in the top 20 in the Japanese pharmaceutical market. Since 2...

Bio-Life-Science Cluster Connections between Yokohama and Europe

During the BioEurope Digital 2020, LIP bio-life-science cluster began to establish connections with European clusters.

Advanced Therapy Showcase in Tokyo #1 (ATST#1)

Life Science Innovation Network Japan (LINK-J) steps forward to launch a series of business partnering event "Advanced Therapy Showcase in Tokyo," and is preparing for its first edition planned to be virtually held on January 21, 2021.

Proposal call for drug discovery research

Asahi Kasei Pharma Corporation, Open Innovation platform is inviting proposals for its collaborative research program in drug discovery. The program aims to create innovative new drugs to match the company philosophy," contribute to life and living for people around the world". Realising this goal requires the combined power of many researchers, both internal and external to the company, providing innovation through the integration of their knowledge.

Asahi Kasei Pharma Corporation is a Japanese pharmaceutical company ranked in the top 20 in the Japanese pharmaceutical market. Since 2...

EU-Japan News

An overview of ETPOA's key activities in its first two years

It has been already two years since the set-up of the European Trade Promotion Organisations' Association (ETPOA). The article aims at providing the reader with an insight into the Association's key actions in its attempt to assist SMEs.

European Business Council 2020 White Paper

The European Business Council (EBC) is the trade policy arm of 15 European National Chambers of Commerce and Business Associations in Japan and has been working to improve the trade and investment environment for European companies in Japan since 1972.
The EBC published its annual document on the Japanese regulatory business environment last July.
This year's White Paper is called "Strengthening partnerships – in crisis and opportunity alike" . The opportunity is of course referring to the EU-Japan EPA that entered into force on February 1, 2019. Unfortunately, at the same time th...

An overview of ETPOA's key activities in its first two years

It has been already two years since the set-up of the European Trade Promotion Organisations' Association (ETPOA). The article aims at providing the reader with an insight into the Association's key actions in its attempt to assist SMEs.

European Business Council 2020 White Paper

The European Business Council (EBC) is the trade policy arm of 15 European National Chambers of Commerce and Business Associations in Japan and has been working to improve the trade and investment environment for European companies in Japan since 1972.
The EBC published its annual document on the Japanese regulatory business environment last July.
This year's White Paper is called "Strengthening partnerships – in crisis and opportunity alike" . The opportunity is of course referring to the EU-Japan EPA that entered into force on February 1, 2019. Unfortunately, at the same time th...

Virtual Dutch Economic Mission to Japan on Digital Economy

A virtual Dutch economic mission to Japan on Digital Economy in Smart Agriculture, Smart Industries and Smart Services, takes place on February 3-5, 2021. The mission will be guided by the Dutch State Secretary for Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, Ms Mona Keijzer.

5th edition of "Settimana della Cucina Italiana"

During the 5th "Settimana della Cucina Italiana", the Trade Promotion Section of Embassy of Italy Tokyo realised events to promote the Italian cuisine and its products

Virtual Dutch Economic Mission to Japan on Digital Economy

A virtual Dutch economic mission to Japan on Digital Economy in Smart Agriculture, Smart Industries and Smart Services, takes place on February 3-5, 2021. The mission will be guided by the Dutch State Secretary for Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, Ms Mona Keijzer.

5th edition of "Settimana della Cucina Italiana"

During the 5th "Settimana della Cucina Italiana", the Trade Promotion Section of Embassy of Italy Tokyo realised events to promote the Italian cuisine and its products

The recovery from the war and pestilence: Tokyo 1964 and 2020

"The recovery from the war and pestilence: Tokyo 1964 and 2020" by Hisashi Sanada is the first webinar of the Olympic and Paralympic Games webinar serie organised by Alexandre Faure and the Fondation France-Japon de l'EHESS. Through this event, Professor Sanada will talk about the importance of holding the Olympic and Paralympic Games despite the global pandemic.

The recovery from the war and pestilence: Tokyo 1964 and 2020

"The recovery from the war and pestilence: Tokyo 1964 and 2020" by Hisashi Sanada is the first webinar of the Olympic and Paralympic Games webinar serie organised by Alexandre Faure and the Fondation France-Japon de l'EHESS. Through this event, Professor Sanada will talk about the importance of holding the Olympic and Paralympic Games despite the global pandemic.

Japanese Studies Grant Program

Project Update: "Development of Study of Contemporary Japan in the Nordic Countries"

The Scandinavia-Japan Sasakawa Foundation (SJSF) was established by a donation in 1984 from the precursor to The Nippon Foundation, with the objective to enhance friendly relations and promote exchange between the people of the five Nordic countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and Japan, via the provision of grants and scholarships for research, development, education and training mainly within medicine, the humanities, social and natural sciences and technology.
After identifying in several reports that university budget cutbacks and department reorganisations were h...

The European Association of Manufacturing Tool Industry participating in JIMTOF 2020 Online

This year, CECIMO participated to the first online version of JIMTOF, the biggest machine tool fair in Asia, usually filling the entire facility of Tokyo Big Sight. CECIMO held a virtual booth, representing the European machine tool industry and ensured the possibility of international exchanges with other stakeholders in the machine tools industry and related technologies on an international level.
JIMTOF is one of the three biggest machine tool shows in the world alongside of EMO in Europe and IMTS in the Unites States. JIMTOF 2020 Online was held for 12 days from 16 to 27 November 2...

ESET's and Canon's successful partnership

Slovak-based cybersecurity company ESET has established a strong business base in Japan with a local partner for over 15 years. Together, the two companies have achieved high customer satisfaction from both business customers and consumer. In recent months, ESET conducted various initiatives to recognise the importance of science and technology as well as to contribute to the society at large.

Local partnership is the key to ESET's solid business base in Japan.

In 2003, ESET, a Slovak-based cybersecurity company, expanded their business into Japan by partnering with Canon, which...

The European Association of Manufacturing Tool Industry participating in JIMTOF 2020 Online

This year, CECIMO participated to the first online version of JIMTOF, the biggest machine tool fair in Asia, usually filling the entire facility of Tokyo Big Sight. CECIMO held a virtual booth, representing the European machine tool industry and ensured the possibility of international exchanges with other stakeholders in the machine tools industry and related technologies on an international level.
JIMTOF is one of the three biggest machine tool shows in the world alongside of EMO in Europe and IMTS in the Unites States. JIMTOF 2020 Online was held for 12 days from 16 to 27 November 2...

ESET's and Canon's successful partnership

Slovak-based cybersecurity company ESET has established a strong business base in Japan with a local partner for over 15 years. Together, the two companies have achieved high customer satisfaction from both business customers and consumer. In recent months, ESET conducted various initiatives to recognise the importance of science and technology as well as to contribute to the society at large.

Local partnership is the key to ESET's solid business base in Japan.

In 2003, ESET, a Slovak-based cybersecurity company, expanded their business into Japan by partnering with Canon, which...

M-Sec White Paper

How can the solution offered by M-Sec, and EU-Japan collaborative project on cybersecurity for smart cities, help solve current IoT security issues in hyper-connected smart cities? Learn more about this solution on M-Sec's White Paper.

EU-Japan Medtech Collaboration

Magia2Market is aiming to foster EU-Japan collaborations in the Medtech field

Magia2Market, the European Strategic Cluster Partnership dedicated to Medtech internationalisation has been launched.
MAGIA2Market follows the first phase of the MAGIA project which ended on December 31, 2019. The second phase, MAGIA2MArket brings together again the four European leading MedTech clusters: bioPmed (coordinator, Piedmont), BioWin (Wallonia), Life Science Nord (Northern Germany) and Lyonbiopole (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes) joining forces to continue the successful European Strategic Cluster Partnership on MedTech. The four European clusters have had solid relations with Japanes...

M-Sec White Paper

How can the solution offered by M-Sec, and EU-Japan collaborative project on cybersecurity for smart cities, help solve current IoT security issues in hyper-connected smart cities? Learn more about this solution on M-Sec's White Paper.

The Network News

ITAPA Online Matchmaking 2020 during the International Congress ITAPA 2020


The online matchmaking event hosted by the Slovak Business Agency is focusing on IT related topics, such as e-Government, cyber security, financing digitalisation, cities of the future, smart industry, digital healthcare.
ITAPA Online Matchmaking 2020 follows the International Congress ITAPA 2020 which is the largest IT congress taking place in Slovak republic.
In 2020, it will be its 19th edition. Years of experience supported by continuously growing international audience create a great platform for B2B matchmaking event.

A unique opportunity to generate new business conta...

ITAPA Online Matchmaking 2020 during the International Congress ITAPA 2020


The online matchmaking event hosted by the Slovak Business Agency is focusing on IT related topics, such as e-Government, cyber security, financing digitalisation, cities of the future, smart industry, digital healthcare.
ITAPA Online Matchmaking 2020 follows the International Congress ITAPA 2020 which is the largest IT congress taking place in Slovak republic.
In 2020, it will be its 19th edition. Years of experience supported by continuously growing international audience create a great platform for B2B matchmaking event.

A unique opportunity to generate new business conta...

The Network offers & requests


A small Japanese tailor making fashion apparels and accessories using traditional Japanese indigo-dyed cotton seeks partners.



A Japanese manufacturer of heat insulating curtains is looking for EU partners.


REQUEST FOR DISTRIBUTOR OR AGENT: Construction, domestic equipment

Japanese manufacturer of price-competitive smart toilets is seeking EU partners.



A Japanese rolling shutter door manufacturer is seeking EU partners.



Japanese company with expertise in sensor technology for usage in elderly care is looking for EU partners.



Japanese medical device developer is seeking EU partners for its handheld magnetic probe used for breast cancer detection.



A small Japanese tailor making fashion apparels and accessories using traditional Japanese indigo-dyed cotton seeks partners.



A Japanese manufacturer of heat insulating curtains is looking for EU partners.


REQUEST FOR DISTRIBUTOR OR AGENT: Construction, domestic equipment

Japanese manufacturer of price-competitive smart toilets is seeking EU partners.



A Japanese rolling shutter door manufacturer is seeking EU partners.



Japanese company with expertise in sensor technology for usage in elderly care is looking for EU partners.



Japanese medical device developer is seeking EU partners for its handheld magnetic probe used for breast cancer detection.



Date/location Details Contacts
EPA Webinar 28: Geographical Indications
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
Webinar 162: Opportunities in the Computer Games Industry
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
Export to Japan 9: Technical Regulations - Quasi-Drugs
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
EPA Helpdesk Webinar 29: Wines and Spirits & Beers
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
Export to Japan 10: Technical Regulations - Beer
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
Export to Japan 11: EU Advantages - Agriculture and Food Products: Pork & Dairy
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
EPA Helpdesk Webinar 30: Dairy Products
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
Export to Japan 12: EU Advantages - Textiles
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
Export to Japan 13: EU Advantages - Footwear & Leather
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation