Welcome to Ostrava - ICT Sector B2B Mission

13 October 2015
15 October 2015
Ostrava, Czeck Republic

The Czech Republic is one of Europe´s top locations for information and communication technology. The Czech Republic’s ICT-friendly policies, skilled workforce, good infrastructure and well-developed optical-fibre network make it the most prominent location in the EU in terms of ICT. In order to maintain the country’s competitiveness, massive investments in ICT infrastructure are expected from the Czech government during the 2014 – 2020 period, as ICT is one of the government’s designated priority sectors.

The world´s top ICT companies have branches in Ostrava (e.g.: Tieto, IBM, DHL, Stora Enso). Ostrava has been gaining importance in recent years and is on the path to greater international recognition thanks to projects such as IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Centre. Ostrava is home to the country’s top universities and research institutes.

This mission is specifically designed for ICT companies and consists of an international ICT brokerage event that will take place on October 15th, where each participant may have up to 15 pre-scheduled bilateral meetings (each meeting will take up to 20 minutes). It is a unique opportunity for Japanese companies to meet potential business partners from different countries in pre-arranged face-to-face meetings.

The Japanese companies can also attend a workshop about the possibilities of doing business in the Czech Republic and visit innovation centres and companies.

View the attached file for more information.

The mission is targeting Japanese companies only that can register by filling in the webform. (The application period is closed)

The deadline for registration is: 15 July 2015

Minimum number of participants
The mission will be held if 2 companies at least will have registered by the time of the deadline



To comply with the Travel Agency Act, our Tokyo office cannot take care of the inquiries for this mission.

Please directly contact the Brussels office in English (info-eu@een-japan.eu.)


Incoming Mission
Regional Chamber of Commerce Moravia-Silesia : suported by EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
Contact e-mail:
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation / info-eu@een-japan.eu
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