
About Japan Webinar 60: Online Language-Learning Market in Japan

April 21 2016

How is e-Learning transforming Japan’s educational system?

2015 was marked by a merger of two key players in the online language learning space but also in previous years a good amount of change could be seen in Japan's e-Learning / Online Language Learning industry, an industry which is slowly but steadily transforming the country's conservative educational system.

While the e-Learning technologies could be seen evolving from CD-ROM to web to mobile, the shift to tablets and smartphones and the quick expansion of wearable technology and personal robots is accelerating the growth of the industry's market potential.

In this webinar we took a closer look at the recent developments, the key players and their impact on the industry.

The webinar was targeted at EU companies active in the e-Learning industry and looking for up-to-date information and insights in the trends, currently taking place in Japan.

Topics learned during this webinar :

In 40 minutes from your desk, discover how to:

  • The basic facts and figures on the e-Learning industry in Japan
  • An overview of the Japanese key players, trade fairs and recent regulations related to e-Learning and Online Language Learning
  • Recent market trends and upcoming technologies
  • Practical tips and hints regarding potential business opportunities


  • Introduction
  • Expert’s presentation
  • Q&A Session 

Speaker: Peter Van der Weeën, Luminio bvba
Organiser: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation - Brussels Office



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