Japan-EU EPA practical business webinar with a Q & A format
~ How to utilize the EPA ~
Two years have passed since the Japan-EU EPA came into effect in February 2019. For the past two years, some Japanese companies have faced practical challenges, such as certificates of origin (self-certification) not always being recognised by the national customs service in the EU, even though they were using the EPA scheme when exporting to the EU.
To solve those issues, focusing on exports from Japan to the EU, Tokyo Kyodo Accounting Office (TKAO), which has an EPA consultation desk commissioned by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) on the Japanese side and the European Commission's Directorate-General for Taxation and the Customs Union (DG TAXUD) which is the authority managing, defending and developing the EU's customs strategy, customs procedures and customs controls, will explain how to make good use of the EPA scheme in a Q & A format based on the experience of, and examples from, the past two years.
Date and time
Thursday, March 4, 2021 17:00-18:45 Japan time (09:00-10:45 in Belgium)
The EU-Japan Centre currently produces 5 newsletters :
Joint venture established in 1987 by the European Commission (DG GROW) and the Japanese Government (METI) for promoting all forms of industrial, trade and investment cooperation between the EU and Japan.
The EU-Japan Centre’s activities are subject to the allocation of a Grant Agreement by the European Commission for 2024-2026