
Online pre-departure briefing about "Food & Drinks" mission in Japan

February 28 2018


Pre departure briefing online: "Food & Drinks Mission (Organic sector)"

5–9 Mars 2018 in Japan 

About the mission

This 5-day mission will focus on the organics sector (primarily processed food and drinks, for raw ingredients: wheat, rice and sugar only) and will include a 1-day orientation session, lectures  and 4-day (free) exhibition space at the FOODEX JAPAN 2018  (Chiba, Japan).

About the online pre-departure briefing
The objective of the online pre-daparture briefing is to better prepare the mission participants for future meetings with Japanese potential partners. The time of webinar is Brussels time.

1st session – About the mission

9:30 – General introduction
9:35 – Presentation of the Mission (agenda, activities)
9:45 - Q & A about the mission

2nd session - Overview of the "organic food and drinks" sector in Japan

9:55 – Introduction

10:00 - Presentation

10:25 - Q&A session

3rd session – Cross-cultural session: “Japan Business Culture in a Nutshell"

10:35 - Introduction

10: 37 - Presentation

11:02 - Q&A session

11:10 - Conclusion


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