
Webinar 116: The pharmaceuticals industry in Japan

April 10 2018

10-04-18 | 10:30 - 11:30 AM CET

What business opportunities currently exist for European SMEs seeking to invest in Japanese markets for pharmaceutical products and services?

The agreement recently reached and finalising the negotiations phase of the EU-Japan EPA, signals growing business opportunities for EU-based SMEs. This webinar highlights opportunities for EU-based SMEs offering products and services in the pharmaceuticals industry, including markets for medical devices and treatments. Drawing on real-life success stories of how European companies have entered and prospered in Japanese markets for pharmaceutical products and services, this webinar offers practical guidance on how SMEs might enter and develop positions in these markets.

The webinar is targeted to EU companies seeking to learn about the current trends of the Japanese pharmaceuticals industry and the business opportunities emerging from it.

Registration deadline: 09/04/2018

What you will learn during this webinar:

In 40 minutes from your desk, discover how to:

  • Anticipate barriers to entering Japanese markets for pharmaceutical products and services in Japan
  • Prepare to negotiate these barriers to market entry in Japan
  • Where feasible, overcome these barriers to market entry in Japan


  • Introduction
  • Expert’s presentation
  • Q&A Session
  • Conclusion

Speakers: Keith Jackson, SOAS, University of London. 
Professor Jackson is a tutor and researcher at SOAS, University of London, where he teaches and researches in international and public sector management. He is also Professor of sustainable human resource management at Doshisha Business School in Kyoto.
Organiser: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation - Brussels Office

Please go to the EU Business in Japan website, to register for this webinar.

If you are already a member of the EU Business in Japan website, please log in and then go to the webinar link - If you are not yet a member, you will first have to register as a member via: and then when your registration request is confirmed, please log in and go to the 'Events' section of the website and register to the webinar.

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