Sector: IoT



  • デジタル戦略:リソース、テクノロジー、データの統合により、ビジネスモデルと価値提案を再考。
  • ワークフォース管理:現在Zucchettiグループの一部である、作業員スケジューリングプラットフォームAWMSの開発。
  • IoTソリューション:MATIXのような、金型や鋳型向けのIoTベースのEAMソリューションなど、物理的なモノをデジタルの領域に接続してデータを生成します。
  • トレーニング:デザイン思考と専門ワークショップで文化の変革をサポートします。

Revolutionizing Industrial Mold Management with MATIX: An IoT-Based EAM Solution

Matix 1

MATIX is an innovative IoT-based EAM solution developed by AzzurroDigitale Machine Integration Srl, designed to bridge the physical and virtual worlds in manufacturing. The system specifically focuses on industrial molds for plastic, rubber, and metal processing, combining connected sensor hardware with cloud platform software to digitalize mold management and maintenance.

MATIX is already implemented by major manufacturers like Electrolux, Nice, Candy Hoover, Whirlpool and Vimar. The solution enables comprehensive lifecycle management and maintenance tracking of industrial molds, addressing the traditionally inefficient, non-digitalized management of these critical production assets.

For 2024-2025, the company aims to enhance hardware capabilities for improved data collection and expand software functionality to support scaling. AzzurroDigitale's ultimate goal is to establish Matix as the leading asset management solution for industrial molds, creating an IoT innovation hub serving Italy's historically strong mold-making and industrial equipment sector."

MATIX product website


MATIX EAM Presentation Video

AzzurroDigitale Machine Integration Srl website:  Home - AzzurroDigitale



