
On 31 August 2022, the EU-Japan Centre organised an official side event of the 8th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD 8) on the topic of opportunities to develop Africa's economy and society through Africa-Japan-EU trilateral business cooperation. The EU-Japan Centre partnered with the Asia External Representation Office of the African Development Bank and the company Qunie Corporation to organise this webinar.

The webinar attracted more than 130 attendees from the EU, Japan and Africa, with various profiles from the public and private sectors.
First, speakers from the Japanese company Sora Technology, the French company Orange, and the Polish company WaSH Innovation, presented their respective business cases of EU and Japanese companies working together in Africa and with African partners. Their success stories provided useful information about the complementarity and roles that EU, Japanese and African partners can play in win-win-win trilateral business cooperation.
The second part of the event showcased the Finnish company Augumenta and the Japanese company JFE Engineering, which have experience in Asian and African markets, and are looking for new partners and eventual trilateral business cooperation in Africa. Their presentation could open new opportunities for companies in the audience interested in their projects and solutions.

Finally, the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) presented their respective financing solutions and eligibility criteria for EU, Japanese and African companies interested in conducting projects in Africa. The webinar aimed at providing the audience with information on financing solutions from these three banks that could help companies interested in EU-Japan-Africa trilateral business cooperation.

If you missed this webinar, you can access the recording here.

This event was organised by the EU-Japan Business Cooperation with ASEAN, Africa and Latin America Helpdesk.

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