
Agri-food companies of Castilla y León in Foodex Japan 2023

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Foodex Japan 2023, the largest agri-food fair in Japan and the entire Asia-Pacific region, took place in Tokyo form 7 to 10 March 2023. 

Aimed exclusively at a professional audience, Foodex attracts a large number of leading international buyers in the food sector: wholesalers, retailers, supermarkets, catering, beverage importers, etc.  The data of the 47th edition in 2022, reflects the success and importance of this fair, where there were more than 1,485 exhibitors from the sector and 33,726 visitors. Spain has been participating with a pavilion for the last 31 years with 30 exhibitors each year.
This year, Castilla y León Region was present in the Spanish pavilion with a gastronomic space for tasting aimed at international professionals, and at the exhibition of products from the pantry of companies that wanted to consolidate their presence in the Japanese market. 

In this edition, the following companies of the agri-food industry from Castilla y León were present together with ICE at the F sector Nº 3B100.68.

Rojo Exporta, S.L., (1) / (2) / (3) 
Divino Duero, S.L. 
Vinos De Arganza, S.L. 
Florencio Sanchez E Hijos, S.L. 
Apicola Del Bierzo S. Coop.
Dulces Y Conservas Helios, S.A. 
Yemas De Santa Teresa, S.A. 
Hongos De Zamora, S.L.
Import Export Bragado S.L.
Jamones Segovia, S.A.

Source: Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León

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