
15–26 May 2023, Tokyo, Japan


The EU-Japan Centre is currently accepting applications for its next training programme in Japan: “Get Ready for Japan”. This year’s session is finally back to its physical format in Tokyo. The “Get Ready for Japan” (former HRTP) aims to improve EU companies awareness about the Japanese business environment, and to overall improve their business activities with Japan. This training course consists of a combination of lectures, case studies, negotiation role-play exercises with Japanese managers, and field trips. The training may include the possibility to have tailored B2B meetings as well.

Training dates: 15–26 May 2023
Application deadline: Thursday, 16 March 2023
Number of places available: 14
Venue: Tokyo, Japan

Targeting European companies, this 2-week programme offers managers the unique opportunity to experience and understand both the cultural and economic elements which define and explain Japan's business and technological achievements. Large companies are welcome to apply, but priority will be given to SMEs. 
Interested? Feel free to apply via the online form!  



By Ana Duran, Sales and Account Manager, Zeclinics, Spain (Participant in 2022 session)

“Despite being online, the experience I gained during this GRFJ 2022 training and all the information I have received have been of great value for me personally, and for the company where I work. The overall atmosphere and organisation of the training have given me an idea of what working with the Japanese might be like. The most important lesson learned during the training was the historical context needed to understand key cultural aspects that are embedded in Japanese business culture. Definitely, the hands-on negotiation experience during a workshop shared with Japanese volunteers was really helpful. It allowed me to learn with a practical exercise what were the important aspects to take into account during negotiations with the Japanese. I believe this training will help our company in accessing the Japanese market and in networking with local companies.”

More info here.

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