On 3 March, the EU-Japan Business Round Table’s 2025 recommendations were formally hand-delivered to Stéphane Séjourné (Executive Vice-President for Prosperity and Industrial Strategy, European Commission) by Maike Asmussen (Chief Political Officer, Merck) and Mitsuhiro Murooka (Corporate Senior Vice President, Chief Global Strategy Officer & Managing Director – Global Strategy Planning Division, NEC) representing the BRT’s co-Chairs, with H.E. Kazutoshi Aikawa, Ambassador of Japan to the EU witnessing the handover.
During the meeting, Ms Asmussen, Mr Murooka, EVP Séjourné and Ambassador Aikawa discussed how, at a time of global turbulence, economic security, industrial competitiveness, and EU-Japan cooperation in scientific research potentially via Horizon Europe will help strengthen the global economy. In due course, the BRT’s 2025 recommendations will be formally submitted to the Government of Japan.
Published: March 2025
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