
Concluding one year of events on decarbonisation.

In October 2020, the EU-Japan Centre organised its first event in a one-year cycle funded by the European Union, to promote and support EU-Japan cooperation in decarbonisation and fight against climate change. The same month, Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga announced Japan’s new ambition to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. This new pledge, which put Japan on the same line as Europe, gave an undeniable momentum to the topics covered through the Centre’s events, from offshore wind to hydrogen, from national policies to industrial initiatives for a low-carbon society.
One year later, as the end of this series of events is nearing, the figures confirm that the timing was right to attract attention. With a total of more than 3200 individual attendees having enjoyed the expertise of 75 speakers from Europe and Japan, it has been the most attended cycle of events ever organised by the Centre. A clear demonstration – if it was needed – of the interest from companies and policymakers from both sides for further EU-Japan cooperation towards decarbonised societies.
The final conference in this series, on 26-27 October, will highlight the key role of local actors - cities, regions, clusters in driving the fight for climate change at the forefront. Low-carbon transport and construction, renewable energy, regional planning, decarbonisation of agriculture and tourism... From the southern coasts of Spain and Portugal to the northern lands of Denmark and Finland, from the islands of Kyushu to the snowy mountains of Hokkaido, join the Centre for a tour of leading cities and regions in Europe and Japan, on the road towards zero carbon.
Beyond this cycle of events coming to an end at the end of October 2021, the Centre will remain committed to contributing to the low-carbon transition, with other activities already in preparation.


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