
Seven NextMove members were able to participate in a Business France digital mission to Japan and South Korea at the end of 2020 and therefore meet at a distance with major players in the automotive industry in these two markets.
Coaching sessions for each participant were organised before the video conferences, in order to enhance candidates’ materials and sales pitch during these meetings and provide information on business culture in the Japanese automotive and mobility market.
Participants used this opportunity to:

  • Promote their solutions in promising sectors: electric, autonomous, connected, hydrogen-powered cars, etc.
  • Meet decision-makers of the key players in mobility in Japan and present their technologies and services
  • Identify potential technical or commercial partners
  • Deepen their knowledge of Japanese automotive industry with experts from major carmakers, manufacturers, trading houses and digital industry players

The prospecting phase in Japanese was carried out by Business France agents (present locally) who presented participants’ offer to three Japanese key accounts and organised video conferences as and when these companies were interested. Each prospect was followed up by Business France to ensure the continuation of exchanges following the meetings.

ARIA Normandie, RAVI and Mov’eo merge and become NextMove

ARIA Normandie, RAVI and Mov’eo merge and become NEXTMOVE and now federates the entire value chain of the Automobile & Mobility sector.
NextMove: constantly thinking about the “next move” in order to innovate, develop and produce tomorrow’s mobility solutions in France.
This new organisation, taking up the ambitions and objectives targeted by the competitiveness cluster, has the mission of grouping together the entire value chain of the Automobile & Mobility sector, from the idea to the market in order to invent, experiment and industrialise tomorrow’s mobility on French soil. By bringing together the members of Mov’eo, RAVI and ARIA Normandie under a single identity, all the players in the value chain are now represented: industrialists, service providers, local authorities, entrepreneurs, researchers, academics and institutions. The cluster thus grows from 380 to 600 members under the NextMove entity, with the aim of reaching 800 members by 2022. This union will also enable a further increase in collaborative work between its members in order to activate all the factors of innovation and competitiveness of the French sector on the territory as well as internationally.
The health and economic crisis of Covid-19 has shown more than ever how important it is for France to regain its economic and industrial sovereignty. It is in this dynamic and the need to recreate industrial Made in France that NextMove takes on its full meaning: a space where the players in the sector weave new links and innovate to develop together the products, services, processes and technologies of tomorrow’s mobility.
The objective of NextMove is to ensure and perpetuate the production of the entire value chain of the automotive and new mobility sector in France.
“The next few years will be pivotal in positioning ourselves in key technologies, services and markets. Our territory, whose heart is the Seine Valley, the French “Mobility Valley”, can only survive by having a complete capacity for innovation, development, experimentation and industrialisation of mobility solutions. This capacity can only be acquired collectively, and it is by bringing together all the players in the sector and the value chain that we will meet these challenges and consolidate this ecosystem that creates more value and jobs in France. » - Rémi Bastien, NextMove Chairman

Video presentation

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