
With the objective to promote and support EU-Japan business cooperation in and with ASEAN, the EU-Japan Centre launched the one-year virtual platform “EU-Japan Business Matchmaking with Vietnam” on 7 March 2022. This platform will support the connection between EU, Japanese and Vietnamese companies and organisations interested in trilateral business cooperation for joint projects in Vietnam. The platform targets four priority business areas: infrastructure, manufacturing, smart cities, and green technology.

On 7 March 2022, the EU-Japan Centre organised a kick-off webinar in cooperation with the French and German Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Japan and Vietnam.

  • Mr. Toshio Kazama from Phu My 3 Specialized Industrial Park presented an overview of Japanese investment in Vietnam.
  • Mr. Shunsuke Hieda, expert in the City of Yokohama’s Y-PORT Centre, presented Y-PORT’s activities in developing urban solutions and their cooperation with Da Nang City, Vietnam, in the fields of water and waste management, and infrastructure.
  • Dr. Sebastian Pohlmann from the Estonian company Skeleton Technologies presented their partnership with Marubeni in Asia, including in Vietnam, in the field of energy storage.
  • Mr. Vincent Dufour from the French company EDF presented several large-scale energy projects conducted with Japanese partners such as Sumitomo Corporation, TEPCO and Sojitz in the Asia-Pacific region, including in Vietnam.

On 8-9 March 2022, with the support of Enterprise Europe Network partners and Flanders Investment & Trade, the EU-Japan Centre organised a 2-day virtual business matchmaking event that provided 70 representatives of companies, clusters, and business associations with the opportunity to meet potential business partners virtually. The matchmaking was a success, with feedback showing that half of the meetings could result in "possible cooperation".

Following this kick-off event, the virtual platform “EU-Japan Business Matchmaking with Vietnam” remains open to EU, Japanese and Vietnamese companies interested in tripartite business cooperation in Vietnam. Stay tuned for future events on this platform!
Full programme of the event
Event report




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