
A decade of EU diplomacy

The launch of the EEAS on 1 January 2011 was a major step in the European integration process and in developing a common foreign policy.
In the decade that has followed, the EEAS – with all Delegations, missions and operations – has become an appreciated and acclaimed partner to all our interlocutors around the globe. We are the face of the EU in the world, working towards peace and security in a true team spirit. The past years have seen major and unprecedented shifts in international politics and the EEAS more than ever needs to prove its added value as a diplomatic service. We, like all other players, have to adapt to a world “order” that looks increasingly out of balance. Against this backdrop, the 10th Anniversary also offers an opportunity to look back at lessons learned – lessons that will provide guidance for the 10 years ahead.  
More information on EEAS website

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